martes, 16 de abril de 2013


There is called he biofuel to any fuel of origin biological obtained from alive organisms or organic remains. The biofuel can reduce partly the consumption of fossil traditional fuels and also the pollutant emission of the atmosphere. 

Example of ecological gas station

Most evolved they are the following ones:

-Biodiesel -> it is obtained from secondhand oils or seeds of cultures called oily as the soybean, sunflower … etc.
-Bioethanol -> it is an alcohol that is obtained by means of the fermentation of azúcares proceeding from energetic cultures as sugar cane, beet, barley, wheat or maize.
- biogas -> is a mixture of gás methane and carbon dioxide obtained by the degradation of agricultural and cattle residues.

Traduccion de palabras : 
remains: restos
evolved: desarrollado
You can save more than 300$ a year
secondhand: indirecto
sunflower: girasol
beet: remolacha
barley: cebada

wheat or maize: trigo o maiz
cattle residues: residuos de ganado

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