El derivado se obtiene después de tratar la clara de huevo pasteurizada con una enzima que rompe las proteínas en fragmentos de pequeño tamaño en un proceso denominado hidrólisis. Este derivado,al tener su origen en la clara de huevo, solamente posee proteínas y no tiene ni grasas ni azucares
Mario Sandoval, colaborador en la investigación llevada a cabo para descubrir este derivado, ha comentado que es un producto perfecto para cocina dulce y salada por las propiedades que posee. Por ejemplo en repostería o pastelería se podría usar para cocinar bizcochos, cremas o merengues más ligeros.
A group of investigators of the Institute of Investigation in Science of Nutrition (CSIC and Autonomous University of Madrid) have patented a by-product of the egg white that have many cooking properties like for example is more manageable, it can return to his original position when it´s been a while and create light and soft foam. This new product will have many aplications in the kitchen.
The by-product is obtained after treating the pasteurized egg with an enzyme that brokes proteins into small fragments in a process called hydrolysis. This by-product, having its origin in the egg white, only has protein and has no fat or sugar
Mario Sandoval, a collaborator in the research carried out to discover this derivative, has commented that it is a perfect product for cooking sweet and salt for the properties it owns. For example in baking or confectionery could be used to cook cakes, creams or lighter meringues.
The by-product is obtained after treating the pasteurized egg with an enzyme that brokes proteins into small fragments in a process called hydrolysis. This by-product, having its origin in the egg white, only has protein and has no fat or sugar
Mario Sandoval, a collaborator in the research carried out to discover this derivative, has commented that it is a perfect product for cooking sweet and salt for the properties it owns. For example in baking or confectionery could be used to cook cakes, creams or lighter meringues.
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